Sunday, August 16, 2015

Dirgahayu RepublikIndonesia yang ke 70

Image result for dirgahayu republik indonesia ke 70
Kami segenap Staff & Admin CyberTechno Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia yang ke 70. Semoga negara ini bisa bangkit dari kepurukan yang mendera bangsa dan negara kita tercinta ini . Dan juga panjatkanlah puji syukur kepada tuhan yang maha esa yang telah memberikan kita kemerdekaan ini dimana didunia ini masih banyak yang belum memiliki / belum mendapat kemerdekaanya harapan dan cita-cita merupakan suatu hal yang indah. mungkin itu saja dan salam "Merdeka...!" 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Lirik Lagu 17 Agustus Tahun 1945 (Hari Merdeka)

Halo sahabat Bangiz, tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 merupakan sejarah yang tidak akan pernah terlupakan oleh Bangsa Indonesia. Karena pada hari itu dibacakannya proklamasi kemerdekaan oleh Soekarno. Berhubungan dengan itu, H. Mutahar menciptakan sebuah lagu berjudul Hari Merdeka. Apakah Anda tahu lirik lagu Hari Merdeka atau 17 Agustus 1945? Apabila ada yang belum tahu atau masih lupa-lupa ingat liriknya. Silahkan nyanyikan saja lirik lagunya berikut ini:

bendera Merah Putih
Merah Putih

Tujuh belas Agustus tahun empat lima...
Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita...
Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa
Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia...

Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka
Selama hayat masih di kandung badan
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Mempertahankan Indonesia
Kita tetap setia tetap setia
Membela negara kita

Friday, August 14, 2015

Error Saat Install Microsoft Office - Error 1933

Error Saat Install Microsoft Office
Error 1933 – Windows File Protection" Windows files must be installed for your installation to proceed "
 Error 1933. The Windows Installer service cannot update one or more protected windows files.
You may then be instructed to insert the Windows XP Professional CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive. You may be instructed to do this even if your computer’s operating system is Windows XP Home Edition.

Itulah beberapa jenis Error pada saat install Microsoft Ofice 2007 atau 2010 yang mungkin anda alami saat ini, dalam artikel ini saya mencoba memaparkan cara yang pernah saya lakukan dan dapat mengatasi Error tersebut.
Berikut step-stepnya :

Fp4autl.dll dan FP4AWEC.DLL adalah penyebabnya utamanya karena kedua file tersebut missing atau hilang. Anda bisa Cek kedua filet tersebut di directori :

[ C:\ Program Files\ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared\ web server extensions\ 40\ bin )

1. Siapkan CD instalasi Windows (7/8/10) anda.
2. Download update Webfldrs KB907306.
3. Saat Update berjalan Windows akan meminta anda untuk memasukan CD instalasi.
4. Jika sudah selesai update, silahkan restart komputer anda.

Jika masih Error berikut cara lainnya
  1. Download File fp4autl.dll
  2. Masukkan ke directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server    extensions\40\bin
  3. Silahkan Lakukan instal Microsoft Office nya lagi.

Semoga kali ini berhasil :)
Kalo berkenan mohon di Share artikel ini keteman2 media sosial anda, Terima Kasih.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ways to Make Money Online by Designing Products and Selling

Dear Friend,

There are platforms out there that allow you to design a product (think t-shirts, mugs, books, etc) and sell it through their website. This allows you to bypass the upfront cost of having to create and store the product as well as leverage the existing audience the website has. It is great especially if you want to test an idea and establish whether or not there exists a market.
Ways to Make Money Online by Designing

Websites to Make Money Online by Designing:

· Cafe Press – Design products like t-shirts, etc. and sell them through the Cafe Press virtual store.
· Create Space – CreateSpace provides free tools to help you self-publish and distribute your books, DVDs, CDs, video downloads and MP3s on-demand on
· E-Shirt – Like Cafe Press but cheaper and focuses mostly on t-shirts.

· LuLu - Provides the tools for you to publish your work for personal use or for sale and distribution to others
· PikiStore - Pikistore lets you create your own tshirt store and will print the shirts.
· Ponoko – Laser cutting & 3D printing made easy. Buy, sell & create custom products.

· PrintFection - Manage the printing and fulfillment of your t-shirts, stickers, and other merchandise using Printfection. Free online store so you can sell products with your design on them.
· ShapeWays – 3D printing marketplace and community.
· Shirt City – Create a personalized t-shirt online with your custom slogan or design.

· Skreend - Print your own custom designed t-shirts with Skreened.
· SpoonFlower – Design, print and sell custom fabric, wallpaper, gift wrap & decals on- demand.
· Spreadshirt – Create custom t-shirts, personalized shirts and other customized apparel at Spreadshirt. Print your own shirt with custom text, designs or photos. Like E-Shirt but you can also sell other designer’s stuff.

· Taste Book – Upload your favorite recipes from 2013 and create a custom cookbook today.
· The Game Crafter – The Game Crafter offers game designers an easy-to-use system to make a board game, card game, or custom playing cards. Free templates, instructions, and videos.
· Zazzle – Similar to CafePress. You can also become an Associate and make money by referring people to Zazzle.

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Designing, you have learnt:

Ways to Make Money Online by Buying and Selling Domain and Website

Dear Friend,

Website flipping or domain auctions are the great opportunities make money online fast. But you have to invest little money and time to find trending domains and niches which are most valuable.

One of the easy and less known ways to make money online is buying and selling websites for profit. Selling websites is a genuine way to make money online and can potentially bring huge profits.  Websites are also called virtual real estate and there is a market online for quality websites. 

The process of making money online buying and selling websites is rather simple, but certain skill and experience is necessary to make really big profits in this business. 

Ways to Make Money Online by Buying and Selling Domain and Website
Ways to Make Money Online by Buying and Selling Domain and Website

You simply must know the market and what are potential buyers looking for, and where to find buyers. You must also know how to evaluate a website so you don’t end up paying more than a site is worth or charging less for the websites you are trying to sell or resell. 

There are two ways you can find websites you can later sell build it yourself or buy it from website marketplace.

Domain Name:

When building the website yourself first thing to do is buy a domain name that is easy to remember, stands out from the rest and is related to whatever it is that you offer on your site. You should choose .com .net or .org domain name for your site. After you register a domain name you need to design our website. 

Your site should give the visitor what they are looking for and make it both visually attractive and informative so they will come back in the future.  You could also offer to redesign your website for an extra fee if the potential buyer wants it. This will help you negotiate a better price.

Potential Customers:

Your potential buyers may be both individuals and companies looking for established website with traffic which will help them in achieving their objective.  Affiliate marketers looking for niche websites with targeted visitors interested in things, they are offering. 

Companies interested increasing their business by including more websites in their portfolio. If you have an established website, there is always plenty of buyers interested in buying on website marketplaces like Flippa.

Other Conditions:

Before you put up your website for sale there are certain conditions that need to be met in order to reach a decent price. The most important thing that potential buyers will look into is how your website ranks in major search engines.  

Another thing they will look into is the number of back links that are coming into your website. The buyers will more likely improve the website to their needs but that doesn't mean that they will not want from the   the website to be nice looking and regularly updated from the start.


Sell Built Website:

Selling websites can be very profitable business, but it is not a simple and easy. Buying and selling websites is an art and it takes certain skill and experience to make it work, so make sure to educate yourself and learn all there is to know about this type of business. You can sell your built website on sedo,
afternic, ebay and other auction websites.

Websites for Domain and Website Flipping:

· Flippa a market place to buy and selling websites. Flippa is a auction site based on a bidding system.
· Sedo is a domain name and website marketplace and domain parking
· Website broker Your listing on WebsiteBroker will reach tens of thousands of qualified buyers.

· AfterMarket - Buy domain names, purchase registered domains, list domains for sale in a number of different ways, and sell domains safely and securely. Takes a 10% commission.
· Afternic – Afternic is a one-stop site to buy domains, sell domains, and park domains. Takes 10% – 20% commission.
· GoDaddy Premium Listings – Sell your domain name in the Premium Domain Names section of the domain search page.  Takes a 30% commission.

· - Leading provider of premium, dropped and backordered domains. Takes a 10% commission.
· Sedo – Buy and sell domains and websites with Take 10% commission.
· SnapNames - Buy Domains even if they are already registered or sell domains names. Takes a 20% commission.

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Buying and Selling Domain and Website, you have learnt:

Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice Online

Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice Online in one the easiest ways to make money online. People really wonder to know this way to make money online. Because of showing such ways, is visited everyday by many people. It is very simple to give advice on your field. There are many website which pay users for giving advice on the questions posted by other user. Some website offer paid questions that you answer to make money online.

Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice Online in one the easiest ways to make money online. People really wonder to know this ways to make money online. It is very simple to give advice on your field to make money online.
Ways to Make Money Online by giving advice online

Websites for Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice Online:

Here are the websites for you to make money online by giving advice online. Join many websites to make much money online by giving advice online.

You can get rewards to ask good questions and make real money for giving correct answers and advice on is for more than 20 years. So you can trust it.

Try it:

Name your price and get customized answers from experts. Questions are priced anywhere form from $5 up to $25 or more. If your answer is accepted, the money is credited to your account, where you can cash out via PayPal once you reach $20. 9 million people use and ever 9 second one question is answered.
Sign Up

Get paid to give advice and answer questions for people, on subjects of your interests and choice. Categories include Astrology, Love Guidance, Meditations, New Age, Parapsychology, Psychic Medium & Healing, Reiki, Spiritual Coaching, Spiritualism, Tarot and The Occult.

Answer questions via text messages.

Check out: 1001 Ways to Make Money Online

Ether enables anyone with something valuable to say to sell their services. You get a free Ether phone number (forwarded to an actual phone), you set your rate, and you can schedule times that you’re willing to accept calls. Ether works with email also.

Pays you to provide answers, advice and peer support to people in need of help.

Earn money being a Psychic.

Check out: Ways to Money Money Online on Webanswers for Asking and Answering Questions

Get involved with the community and answer questions or answer questions through the RSS feeds on your own blog.

Provides on demand homework help and tutoring services that connect students to a professional tutor online in math, science, social studies or English.


Google AdSense allows you to earn money on advertisements displayed on WebAnswers. Answer questions and earn a share of AdSense revenue.

Earn money by providing tips and tutorials through their in house video chat system.

Other Ways to Make Money Online Giving Advice:

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice Online, you have learnt:
to make money Giving Advice Online, make money online Giving Advice Online, ways to make money online Giving Advice Online, how to make money Giving Advice Online?, how to make money online Giving Advice Online?, what are the ways to make money online Giving Advice Online?, Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice Online, make money online advice sms, get paid for giving advice, get paid to give advice and answer questions online, give advice online for money, how to make money giving advice, make money giving advice online, make money giving advice, make money online advice, make money online giving advice, make-money-online-by-giving-advice and ways of giving advice.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice via Telephone

Dear Friend,

Here are the Websites for Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice via Telephone:
· Ammas - Sell your knowledge and earn real money.

· BitWine - Get paid to give advice and answer questions for people, on subjects of your interests and choice.

· ChaCha - Answer questions via text messages.

· Ether - Ether enables anyone with something valuable to say to sell their services. You get a free Ether phone number (forwarded to an actual phone), you set your rate, and you can schedule times that you are willing to accept calls.

· Google Helpouts - Connects people who need help with people who can give help over live video. Get help across multiple topics right from your PC or mobile device

· JustAnswer - Name your price and get customized answers from experts. Questions are priced anywhere from $5 up to $25 or more.
· If your answer is accepted, the money is credited to your account, where you can cash out via PayPal once you reach $20.

· Jyve - Pays you to provide answers, advice and peer support to people in need of help.

· Keen – Earn money being a Psychic.

· kgb - Get paid for answering questions that people send by text message.

· KnowBrainers - Get involved with the community and answer questions or answer questions through the RSS feeds on your own blog.

· - Provides on demand homework help and tutoring services that connect students to a professional tutor online in math, science, social studies or English.

· Web Answers – Google AdSense allows you to earn money on advertisements displayed on WebAnswers. Answer questions and earn a share of AdSense revenue.

· WerLive - Earn money by providing tips and tutorials through their in house video chat system.

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Giving Advice via Telephone, you have learnt:

Ways to Make Money Online by Peer-to-Peer Money Lending

Dear Friend,

This is a relatively new concept where people fund loans for other people, essentially cutting out the bank. I have experimented with this a bit myself without much success, though I have seen reports from other trustworthy people who are showcasing 5%+ returns on their loans.
Ways to Make Money Online by Peer-to-Peer Money Lending
Ways to Make Money Online by Peer-to-Peer Money Lending

· Community Lend – Similar to Lending Club, but for Canada residents.

· Lending Club – (U.S. Residents Only) Peer to peer lending, which starts in increments $25. I have used lending club myself and frankly have not seen exciting returns (currently around 2%) on account of a few defaults on several loans.

I also feel that in order to properly diversify (spread out over a bunch of different loans) it takes a fair amount of time to research the loans and find the right ones for your strategy.

Of course a lot of finance is conducted primarily online, however, one should approach this with an added degree of caution, since this is one of the few parts of this post where you can actually lose money by attempting it.

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Peer-to-Peer Money Lending, you have learnt:

Ways to Make Money Online by Podcasting

Dear Friend,

Podcasting is all the rage lately and it is becoming the new, preferred form over content to connect with your audience. In addition, it can also be a lucrative form of income if you draw in enough of an audience.

Consider Entrepreneur On Fire, a podcasting series/blog, which makes over $40k per month on direct advertising through their podcasting. 

Ways to Make Money Online by Podcasting
Ways to Make Money Online by Podcasting

Here are some popular business podcasts:

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Podcasting, you have learnt:

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ways to Make Real Money Online by Selling Photos

Dear Friend,

Today internet offers many ways to make money online for photographers. Internet can help you to make money from photographs you take with your digital camera. You don't have to be a professional photographer or even a very good photographer to make money from your photographs. All you have to do is start taking photos and selling them online.

You can sell your photos online by uploading them to an online photo agency that will sell them around the world.  The beauty is that you can upload a photo once and you can be earning royalties for years to come. It’s relatively easy today to make some decent photos because you can get decent digital cameras very cheap today and start taking photos of landscapes animals, and birds around you.
Ways to Make Real Money Online by Selling Photos
Ways to Make Real Money Online by Selling Photos

Sell Photos:

Once you have your photographs you can upload them to one or more online photography sites and make money every time someone buys one of your photographs. These sites have their own rules on who can join and technical requirements for your photos. It may take a while for you to get a response when you submit your photographs because they have lots of photos coming in daily and need to evaluate all of them to see if they meet their standards.  Technical requirements can be RGB, JPEG uncompressed file format for your pictures and the size of your photos.


Photo Selling Websites:

· iStockphoto - you can request payment through PayPal, Moneybookers, Payoneer MasterCard or cheque once you reach $100.

· Fotolia - pays its contributors commission from 20% up to 63%. You can receive your payment through Moneybookers or PayPal.

· Shutterstock   - contributors are paid $0.25 and upwards per download.

· Gettyimages   - you can upload your photos and earn revenue as a Royalty Free (RF) or rights managed (RM).

· Depositphotos   - you earn commission based on your level, commission goes from 44% to 52%. 

· Bigstockphoto   - you can earn from $0.50 and more depending on the size of the photo, or 30% of the US dollar price.  You can cash out using Paypal or Moneybookers once you accumulate $30 in earnings.

· Photocase   -  pays royalty from  40%  to 60%.  You can cash out at €100.

· Photospin - pays 40% revenue share. You can request payment with Paypal, Moneybookers and check once you have $50 in your account.

· Imagevortex - is a site that wants to attract professional and full time photographers.

Photographers set price for their own photographs in the range $20 to $300 and receive 70% of the sale price.

These are only some of the sites where you can make real money online selling your photographs. You will find many more sites similar to these if you search online. So grab your digital camera and start taking photographs of your pets, your garden or whatever you love to photograph.

In this Ways to Make Real Money Online by Selling Your Photos, you have learnt:

Ways to Make Money Online by Fiverr Services and Support

Dear Friend,

One of the easy ways people make real money online for free is by offering to do a task on a service marketplace called Fiverr. Fiverr is completely free to join and anyone with a computer connected to internet can join and start making extra money online. 

Ways to Make Money Online by Fiverr Services and Support
Ways to Make Money Online by Fiverr Services and Support

You can join thousands of people who are making money with Fiverr offering various services and completing tasks from many categories such as:

Graphics and Design:

You can offer to design a book cover, or a logo or a business card for a customer.

Video & Animation:

You can offer your customers to edit a video or a make a 3D animation for them.

Online Marketing:

You can offer to build backlinks for your customers or send a number of visitors to their website.

Writing and Translation:

Offer to write a 400 word article or translate 1000 words to the potential clients.


You can offer to create a video or a logo for certain company or product. You can also offer to post flyers for the clients.


Offer to help someone to write a business plan. Also offer to conduct a market research for the potential clients.

Programming and Technology:

Offer to write a program code in C++, or you can offer your help in setting up a Wordpress blog.

Music and Audio: 

Offer your services in editing mastering. Making custom ringtones. You can also offer to do a voice-over and narration. Another thing you can offer in this category is music lessons and song writing tutorials.

Fun and Bizarre: 

Offer to do a celebrity impersonation. Do some kind of stunt such as a circus trick,  backflip etc.


Offer to someone to develop a two week diet plan for him. You can also offer to give delicious recipes to help lose weight fast.

These are just a few of the types of service that are offered on Fiverr. All jobs on Fiverr are priced $5, however you don't get to keep all of them. You earnings will be $4 or 80%, $1 or 20% go to Fiverr and Paypal, Paypal is the payment processor through which you will receive your payment, so if you don't already have an account you should open one for free.

Since the payment for every job on Fiverr that is finished on time and according to the clients’ requirements is $4, it’s clear that working on tasks that require 2 or 3 hours to finish is not very lucrative and you won't even make a minimum wage. 

Because of this you should assess yourself your capabilities and skills and decide what kind of job you can do very well in very short time, preferably 10 – 15 minutes or less. The job you plan to offer on the Fiverr marketplace should also have a value for the potential clients or no one will be ready to pay the $5 for something that he doesn’t need.

Fiverr is good place to work from home and make some extra cash. Working on Fiverr you will not make you rich, but if you work hard you can certainly make some decent amount of money. There are thousands of people offering their services and making money each day. If there is something you are good at, don't hesitate and open account at offer your services to thousands of potential clients.

And there are also other ways to make money online. Providing coding or fixing other Webmasters issues is another great way to make money online. There are simple jobs ranging from adding a script to setting up sites, but knowledge of Web coding is essential. One can offer support for Web CMS (content management systems) like Drupal or

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Offering Services and Support, you have learnt:

Ways to Make Money Online by Conducting Online Courses

Dear Friend,

Online Course requires a lot of upfront work but the ongoing work can be significantly less by comparison. There are many platforms that are built for you to specifically offer courses. Or you can simply create your own on your website through a series of emails.
Ways to Make Money Online by Conducting Online Courses
Ways to Make Money Online by Conducting Online Courses

Websites for Online Courses:

All of these are essentially free platforms for creating online courses:
· Moodle

In this Ways to Make Money Online by Conducting Online Courses, you have learnt:

Funny Ways to Make Money Online

Dear Friend,

Funny Ways to Make Money Online are really funny. People always have a good taste for Funny things. By things, I mean Funny Images, Quotes, Photos, Jokes, Stories, Articles, Clippings, Videos, Movies and anything like them. If you are good at those funny things or known for funny things and you can really make money online through Funny Ways to Make Money Online. 

Funny Ways to Make Money Online
Funny Ways to Make Money Online

Funny Ways to Make Money Online:

You can make money online through funny ways in two ways. First way to make money online is Building our own blog or website and publishing your funny content on your site itself. The other way is that you can contribute your funny content and creation to others. I mean other blog's and website's owners. There are also some websites provides contest for these funny item. Find out those contest and you can make money online.

People share their funny videos on their sites and video sharing sites like youtube. They display ads and make money online.

You can build a blog freely under blogger, wordpress, weebly, webs, etc. and publish your funny contents there and make money online.

Like to know more? please, use our search box....