Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan

Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan - Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan. Ketika seorang pengusaha (usahawan / businessman) menghasilkan sebuah produk, hal yang sangat ingin dilakukan adalah memperkenalkan produknya kepada masyarakat luas. Dengan maksud, agar masyarakat atau calon konsumen mengenal dan mengetahui produk tersebut. Demikian halnya dengan blog. Blog juga ibarat sebuah perusahaan. Kali ini Bos Tutorial mencoba membagikan bagaimana Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan.

Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan
Yang perlu diketahui, bahwa tujuan membuat blog adalah supaya orang-orang disekitar kita membaca apa yang kita tulis dalam blog. Isi atau informasi di dalam blog haruslah kita pahami dan bisa mengenai sasaran (si pembaca). Namun tidak sedikit blog di buat hanya asal jadi, yang penting bisa ngeblog (hehehehe).

Di bawah ini bos tutorial mencoba untuk memberikan tips dan trik Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan.

Jadikanlah blog tersebut seperti perusahaan. Dalam perusahaan ada 4 (empat) P yang paling diperhatikan untuk memasarkan usahanya. Adapun 4 P tersebut adalah Produk, Place, Promosi, Price.

Dalam perusahaan, menciptakan produk unggulan sangat diperlukan. Produk tersebut harus lebih bagus dari perusahaan lain. Perusahaan dibangun untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk, baik barang atau jasa. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan tujuannya adalah dijual. Dalam blog juga demikian, ciptakanlah sebuah produk yang benar-benar dibutuhkan oleh pembaca. Produk dalam sebuah blog merupakan sebuah informasi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi pengunjung. Berikanlah informasi yang valid dan uptodate.

Place atau tempat. Sebuah usaha / bisnis akan mencari tempat yang strategis dan gampang untuk dilihat dan dicari konsumen. Dalam blog, place ini bisa disamakan dengan tata letak layout atau tampilan sebuah blog. Buatlah tampilan blog semanarik mungkin. Template blog yang bagus, dan menggunakan widget yang seperlunya. Demikian juga dengan link yang keluar. Link satu dengan yang lainnya benar-benar terhubung dan bukan link penipuan artinya jangan membohongi pengunjung blog anda. Baca Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot

Produk yang dihasilkan dalam sebuah perusahaan haruslah dipromosikan kepada konsumen atau calon konsumen. Memperkenalkan kepada khalayak umum bahwa ada produk ini atau itu. Sehingga konsumen tahu. Dalam blog pun demikian, perkenalkanlah blog anda kepada siapapun. Dimana anda memiliki sebuah blog yang memberikan informasi yang akurat dan uptodate. Gunakan media-media lain sebagai alat promosi blog anda. Misal, media sosial, situs-situs obrolan dan lainnnya. Katakan kepada calon pembaca blog anda, bahwa blog anda lah tempat / informasi terlengkap. Cara berpromosi akan kita bahas lebih lanjut.

Price atau harga. Produk yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan haruslah memiliki harga yang unik, atau kompetif sesuai dengan nilai produknya. Nilai produk harus disesuaikan.
Dalam blog juga demikian. Buatlah sebuah informasi di dalam blog anda benar-benar berharga. Informasi yang anda berikan dalam blog bukan asal-asalan, sehingga pengunjung merasa senang dan terpuaskan ketika berkunjung ke blog anda. Dengan demikian, pengunjung pun akan senang kembali berkunjung ke blog anda.

Demikian tips dan trik tentang Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan. Tulisan Cara Menjadikan Blog Seperti Perusahaan semoga bisa bermanfaat. Mungkin ada yang belum jelas bisa ditanyakan lewat kolom komentar. Salam Blogger. Salam Sukses. [Bos Tutorial]

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot

Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot - Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot sangat dibutuhkan dalam sebuah blog. Tampilan awal pada saat blog di buka oleh pengunjung akan membuat pengunjung betah di blog kita. Oleh karena itu, tampilan blog buatkah semenarik mungkin. Ibarat seorang bila melihat lawan jenis tampil menarik, maka orang tersebut selalu ingin dipandangi (tidak bosan-bosan untuk memandang). Demikian juga dengan blog. Tampilan Blog bisa dibuat secantik mungkin. Kali ini, Bos Tutorial akan berbagi tentang bagaimana Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot.

Tampilan Template Blog Becak Siantar (
Ada dua jenis elemen-elemen penting di dalam sebuah blog, apabila kawan-kawan memulai langkah-langkah Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot ini sangat perlu diperhatikan.
1. Template blog (tampilan awal blog) dan
2. Widget / Gadget

Template Blog (tampilan awal blog)
Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot, kita harus memperhatikan template blog kita. Kumpulan Adsen Blogspot menjelaskan lebih lanjut:

Template adalah pola untuk membentuk tampilan blog atau website di layar monitor. Tampilan blog atau website itu seperti apa? Kalau anda klik judul artikel ketika browsing dengan google, kemudian muncul halaman blog atau website, itulah namanya tampilan, dan dapat disebut template. Sederhana bukan?

Setiap blog atau website tentu punya tampilan atau template mereka sediri‐sendiri. Dan tampilan blog itu disusun dengan pola tertentu oleh pembuat template.

Yang harus anda lakukan pada blog dalam penggunaan Template Blog adalah:

Pilih Template yang menarik
Carilah template yang di rasa menarik bagi anda maupun pengunjung. Di situs banyak sekali tersedia contoh template yang menarik baik berbayar maupun yang gratis.

Pilih Template yang ringan
Salah satu faktor yang penting lainnya adalah besarnya file template tersebut. Anda harus memperhatikan berat tidaknya proses loading web anda. Visitor akan enggan berkunjung ke web anda apabila proses loadingnya terlalu lama. Maka hindarilah hal seperti ini. Banyak faktor faktor yang membuat web itu menjadi berat diantaranya:
• Terlalu banyak gambar ukuran besar
• Terlalu banyak script atau variasi yang terpasang
• Ukuran template yang besar
• Faktor server hosting yang terlalu sibuk atau memang lambat

Dari hal tersebut kita bisa kita bisa memilih template yang bagus dan cepat proses loadingnya. Untuk mengukur kecepatan web beserta komponen yang paling lengkap bisa anda coba di websiteoptimization atau klik disini (cara mengecek berat blog anda).

Pilih Template yang SEO Friendly
Jenis template yang Bos Tutorial maksud adalah Template yang friendly terhadap search engine atau tidak. Tetapi anda bisa melihat atau mencari di situs penyedia dengan memakai keyword seo template. Pada umumnya untuk blogspot untuk seo friendly boleh di katakan banyak tersedia baik yang gratis maupun yang berbayar, hal ini juga di dukung oleh server anda, yang artinya tidak semua server mendukung atau support dengan SEO Friendly.

Untuk mengganti template blog anda, Baca tulisan Cara Mengganti Template Blog pada Blogspot

Widget/Gadget adalah suatu istilah yang berasal dari bahasa Inggris untuk merujuk pada suatu peranti atau instrumen yang memiliki tujuan dan fungsi praktis spesifik yang berguna yang umumnya diberikan terhadap sesuatu yang baru.( berbahasa Indonesia)

Kalau pada blog kita bisa memaknai dengan pengertian yang lebih mudah dipahami yakni Widget/Gadgett adalah elemen tambahan pada blog yang berisi assesories unik, menarik, untuk memperindah tampilan blog dan bisa di pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan blog yang kita miliki. Banyak sekali Widget/Gadget tersedia di, diantaranya search, search yahoo, video youtube dan masih banyak yang lainnya. Penyedia elemen Widget/Gadget di internet juga sangat banyak, kita bisa memanfaatkan untuk mempercantik tampilan blog secara gratis.

Gunakan Widget/Gadget pada blog anda sebaik mungkin. Artinya pilihlah Widget/Gadget yang menurut anda menarik dan layak anda tampilkan pada blog Anda.

Cara Memasukkan Widget di Blog, akan kita bahas lebih lanjut.

Demikian tulisan Bos Tutorial tentang Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot. Selanjutnya semua tergantung anda kawan. Latih jarimu eh... Mainkan Kreatifiasmu !!!. Semoga Cara Mempercantik Tampilan Blog di Blogspot ini bisa bermanfaat. Salam Blogger. [Bos Tutorial].

Referensi :
1. Kumpulan Adsen Blogspot
2. Wikipedia Indonesia 
3. Becak Siantar Blog

Cara Memasukkan dan Edit Gambar di Blog

Cara Memasukkan dan Edit Gambar di Blog - Cara Memasukkan dan Edit Gambar di Blog sangat penting dalam sebuah blog. Sebelumnya Bos Tutorial telah memposting tentang Cara Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot. Biasanya Memasukkan gambar ke dalam postingan identik dengan memulai postingan baru pada blog. Oleh karena itu, kali ini Bos Tutorial akan membagikan bagaimana Cara Memasukkan dan Edit Gambar di Blog.

Sebelumnya mari kita bahas manfaat gambar dalam postingan / artikel pada blog. Pada dasarnya, gambar dalam postingan / artikel pada blog bertujuan untuk mendukung isi dari tulisan / artikel / postingan. Sehingga para pembaca / visitor bisa mengerti informasi yang terkandung di dalam tulisan kita.

Cara Memasukkan dan Edit Gambar di Blog tidaklah susah. Lihat langkah-langkah dibawah ini:

Cara Memasukkan Gambar di Blog
1. Tentunya Anda sudah membuka blog anda bukan.
2. Buatlah sebuah postingan baru atau edit postingan yang sudah ada. (Sebelumnya siapkan dulu File Gambar yang anda ingin masukkan ke dalam postingan)
3. Dalam halaman postingan baru atau edit artikel kliklah tanda icon insert image (lihat gambar dibawah ini)
4. Setelah anda klik icon Insert Gambar, lalu pilihlah gambar yang anda inginkan.

5. Pilihlah sumber gambar yang anda inginkan. Bila anda klik Pilih File itu artinya file tersebut anda sudah siapkan di dalam harddisk atau flasdisk anda.
6. Setelah anda memilih gambar yang anda ingin dimasukkan di dalam postingan, lalu klik Add Selected (biasanya akan seperti gambar di bawah ini)
7. Selesai. Gambar yang dimasukkan dalam postingan sudah ada dalam artikel anda.
8. Selanjutnya men-setting posisi gambar dan ukuran gambar.

Cara Edit Gambar di Blog
Posisi Gambar.
1. Biasanya setiap memasukkan gambar pada blog, posisi gambar akan berada di tengah-tengah (center).
2. Bila ingin merubah posisinya klik saja gambar yang ingin dipindahin, dan akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini, lalu pilihlah sesuai keinginan anda.

  • Smal : Ukuran gambar kecil
  • Medium : Ukuran Gambar sedang
  • Large : Ukuran gambar besar
  • X-Large : Ukuran gambar Extra Besar
  • Original size : Ukuran gambar seperti aslinya
  • Left : Posisi gambar di sebelah kiri tulisan
  • Center : Posisi gambar di tengah-tengah
  • Right : Posisi gambar di sebelah kanan tulisan
  • Add caption : Pemberikan Keterangan di bawah gambar (bila gambar di hapus keterangan akah terhapus juga)
  • Properties : Keterangan gambar
  • Remove : Menghapus gambar (gambar tidak jadi dimasukkan dalam postingan)
3. Selesai.

Edit Ukuran Gambar
Anda pasti sudah tahu elemen-elemen dalam Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot bukan? Kalau belum silahkan di baca lagi yah. Beginilah langkah dan cara untuk mengedit gambar di blog.
1. Apabila anda suka membuat artikel pada posisi Compose (lihat sebelah kiri atas / atau lihat gambar di bawah ini). Beralihlah ke posisi HTML
 2. Setelah anda beralih ke HTML, carilah gambar yang anda ingin rubah ukurannya. Biasanya ukuran standar gambar yang diberikan apabila file gambar besar, lebar (width) adalah 320.
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" height="200" src="" width="320" /></a></div>
3. Gantilah angka-angka tersebut dan sesuaikan dengan keinginan anda. Dimana Height = Ukuran / tinggi gambar, Width = Ukuran / lebar gambar.
4. Apabila semua sudah beres dan yakin. Silahkan publikasikan Postingan anda.

  • Apabila ukuran gambar tidak muncul, silahkan coba pilih ukuran Smal atau Medium atau Large atau X-Large (posisi Compose lho). Lalu beralih ke HTML lalu gantilah Tinggi dan Lebar gambar sesuai keinginan anda.
  • Ulangi langkah-langkah di atas bila ingin Memasukkan dan Edit Gambar di Blog

Demikian tulisan Bos Tutorial tentang Cara Memasukkan dan Edit Gambar di Blog. Selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat. Salam Sukses dan Blogger. [Bos Tutorial].

Monday, May 14, 2012

Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot

Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot -  Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot. Template Blog adalah tampilan pada blog anda. Mungkin anda bosan dengan template blog yang di sediakan oleh blogspot walau sebenarnya banyak pilihan. Untuk melanjuti dari postingan sebelumnya maka kali saya akan mencoba membagikan bagaimana Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot.

Untuk Mengganti Template Blog anda tidaklah susah. Malah gampang dan sangat mudah. Anda tidak perlu susah-susah membuatnya (lebih bagus kalau anda merangcang sendiri).

Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot.
Tulisan dan tips ini diperuntukkan kepada kawan-kawan yang mau menggantikan template blog yang sudah tersedia pada penyedia template blog free atau yang bayaran.

Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot.
Yang anda harus butuhkan: (syarat-syarat utama)
1. Anda harus menyediakan Template blog yang anda inginkan
2. Kalau anda belum memiliki script template blog, silahkan anda mencari di situs penyedia template blog. (jangan khawatir... tinggal cari di, langsung ketik Template blog, atau template blogger dan lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan dengan template blog).
3. pastikan template blog yang anda inginkan sudah anda download dan anda save.
4. Lets go.... kita mulai mengganti template anda

Tips dan Langkah Mengganti Memplate Blog
Adapun Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot:
1. Sediakanlah template blog yang menurut anda bagus untuk blog anda.
2. Bukalah akun blog anda seperti biasanya.
3. Pada dasbor blog ada, pilihlah Opsi Lain (biasanya tanda opsi lain ada disebelah kiri lihat blog). Lalu Pilihlah Tamplate. (lihat gambar di bawah ini)

4. Setelah tampilan di monitor anda seperti gambar di atas, maka klik Cadangkan/Pulihkan (lihat panah merah diatas)
5. Setelah langkah no 4 dilakukan, maka akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini:

6.Unduh lah template anda sebelumnya untuk menjaga-jaga apabila anda menginginkan template lama anda kembali.
7. Setelah anda menyimpan / meng-unduh template lama anda, lalu klik Pilih Berkas Selanjutnya akan muncul gambar di bawah ini.
8. Masukkanlah file template blog yang sudah anda siapkan tadi, Lalu klik Open.
9. Lalu klik Unggah letaknya di bawah pilih berkas (lihat gambar di bawah ini.
10. Setelah klik Unggah maka tampilan selanjutnya di monitor akan seperti di bawah ini.
11. Lalu klik Edit HTML anda untuk menyesuaikan Meta Tag, Deskripsi Blog, Keyword dan Google Analytic dan lain-lainnya.
12. Jangan lupa simpan template anda. Selesai.

Demikianlah tulisan mengenai Cara Mengganti Template Blog Pada Blogspot. Semoga bermanfaat. Bila ada pertanyaan, silahkan tulis di kolom komentar. Salam. [Bos Tutorial]

Referensi :
1. Kumpulan Adsen Blogspot
2. Bos Ringo Blog

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cara Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot

Cara Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot - Cara Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot dilakukan apabila kita ingin memposting atau mempublikasikan tulisan kita. Arti kata posting adalah menulis dan menampilkan hasil tulisan /artikel / karya kita di blog. Biasa disebut Entri Baru atau New Entri atau posting baru. Setelah kita sudah membuat blog, tentunya blog baru, langkah selanjutnya adalah memposting tulisan / artikel kita. Kali ini Bos Tutorial akan mencoba membagikan Cara Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot.

Adapun langkah-langkah atau Cara Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Bukalah akun Blog anda (ingat akun sendiri saja....hehehe).
2. Pada Dasbor blog anda, carilah Icon / tanda Buat Entri Baru, biasanya gambarnya ini bentuknya pensil (lebih jelasnya lihat gambar dibawah)

3. Mulailah menulis sesuatu di kolom yang disediakan.
Tampilan Untuk Entri Baru / Posting Baru
Keterangan gambar diatas (Wajib dilakukan / dibuat)
  • Sebelah kiri Publikasikan ada kotak kosong : Untuk menulis Judul Artikel
  • Publikasikan : Bila kita yakin dengan tulisan kita, maka kita klik Publikasikan (akhir dari penulisan)
  • Simpan : Apabila kita ingin menyimpan tulisan kita sebelum di publikasikan (biasanya masih berlanjut menulis)
  • Pratinjau : Melihat hasil tulisan sebelum di publikasikan (biasanya digunakan bila ingin melihat hasil postingan kita) 
  • Tutup : Menutup halaman entri baru.
  • Compose : Hasil tampilan tulisan kita secara dinamis.
  • HTML :  Tulisan /artikel ditampilkan berupa kode-kode script html (biasa bila ingin menyalin kode-kode script sebaiknya kita gunakan kolom HTML ini)
  • Label : Tulisan kita di kelompokkan dalam kategori apa.
  • Jadwal : Waktu, hari, dan jam kapan postingan ingin di publikasikan
  • Lokasi : Tempat dimana postingan dibuat
  • Deskripsi Penelusuran : Berupa tag 
  • Pilihan : Kita disuruh memilih model penulisan, apakah dengan HTML atau tidak.
Keterangan diatas semoga bisa membantu kawan-kawan dalam pengertian tanda-tanda New Entri pada blog.

4. Setelah penulisan dilakukan, maka lakukanlah keterangan gambar diatas.
5. Jangan lupa isi Judulnya yah karena judul tulisan adalah nama link postingan anda apabila sudah yakin di publikasikan.

Demikian tulisan tentang Cara Memulai Postingan Baru di Blogspot. Semoga bermanfaat dan salam sukses dan blogger. Bila masih kurang silahkan ditulis di kolom komentar yah. [Bos Tutorial]

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog

Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog - Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog. Mungkin Anda bertanya apa Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog. Kita tahu situs atau website penyedia pembuatan website gratis banyak bertebaran. Sebut saja Woedpress, dan webblog dan lain-lainnya. Tapi saya tetap menggunakan atau sebagai situs pribadi saya.

Adapun Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog bagi saya adalah:

1. Gratis. atau merupakan situs terbesar dimiliki oleh yang memberikan secara cuma-cuma tanpa bayar kepada penggunanya dalam jangka waktu yang tidak ditentukan. Anda bisa membuat satu atau lebih blog ranpa harus membayar ke google sama sekali.

2. Mudah di pelajari.
Bagi pengguna pemula sangat cocok menggunakan atau karena sangat mudah dipelajari. Tidak diperlukan pengetahuan yang lebih (gak perlu pintar-pintar amat), dalam sekejab anda bisa menggunakan

3. Domain dan hosting tersedia.
Anda akan diberi domain sendiri seperti Misalnya : Nama domain blog ini adalah bos-tutorial. Sampai kapanpun itulah nama domain ini. Sementara Hosting telah disediakan oleh google di blogger. Kita tidak perlu capek-capek mencari penyedia hosting (walau kita masih bisa menggunakannya) untuk menyimpan file seperti gambar. video dan lain-lain. Semuanya itu telah disediakan

4. Bersahabat dengan situs pihak ketiga sangat bersahabat dengan situs-situs penyedia pihak ketiga tanpa syarat. Kita bisa menampilkan efek-efek khusus di blog kita tanpa harus melakukan perubahan yang fatal.  Misalnya kita ingin menampilkan widget/gadget dari luar blogger, dan tinggal memasukkan kode script dari pihak ketiga kedalam blog kita dan tempatnya telah disediakan.

5. Template Blog
Template blog / tampilan blog telah disediakan, kita tinggal memilih dan mengaturnya saja. Namun bila templatenya ingin di ganti sesuai keinginan anda tidak ada larangan. Semuanya bisa.

6. Memberikan penghasilan tambahan
Google Adsense
Apabila blog anda layak dan pantas untuk didaftar untuk mendapatkan Adsense dari google maka anda dapat medaftarkannya. Mengenai google adsense nanti kita bahas lebih lanjut.

Adsense pihak ketiga
Adsense pihak ketiga disini selain Google adsense bisa anda masukkan ke dalam blog anda seperti iklan PPC atau perusahaan orang lain bila ingin memasang iklan di blog anda.

7. Pindah domain
Anda bisa beralih ke domain lain dan tetap hostingnya di blogger. Misalnya anda ingin mengganti namablog anda dengan domain yang anda inginkan. jadi Anda tidak perlu memulai dari awal lagi dalam pembuatan blog, tinggal mengalihkan ke Bila anda ingin posting baru atau rubah tampilan / template lewat blog anda. Dan apabila masa waktu sudah habis, anda tetap bisa mengguanakan Enak bukan..... hehehe.

Tunggu apalagi, mari Membuat Blog di Blogspot.

Itulah Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog bagi saya. Bagaimana dengan anda kawan. Mungkin anda punya alasan lain yang lebihbaik dari 7 Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog di atas. Jangan lupa sampaikan Alasan Menggunakan Blogspot Untuk Blog bagi anda dalam komentar. Salam sukses. [Bos Tutorial]

Langkah Memulai Blog Baru

Langkah Memulai Blog Baru - Langkah Memulai Blog Baru dengan Blogspot. Hari ini Saya membuat blog baru ini. Saya beri nama Bos Tutorial. Kenapa Bos Tutorial, karena nama-nama ini merupakan nama yang singkat padat dan jelas. Semoga nama blog saya ini bisa berkenan di hati kawan-kawan semua. Oleh karena itu, saya berbagi cerita bagaimana Langkah Memulai Blog Baru.

Adapun Langkah Memulai Blog Baru dengan Blogspot adalah sebagai berikut
1. Buatlah email lewat google yaitu
2. Setelah membuat email baru, lalu masuklah ke atau
3. Setelah masuk, situs pembuatan blog gratis dari google tersebut, lalu isilah formulir yang telah disediakan.
4. Apabila sudah selesai dan sukses. Lalu buatlah Blog anda.(lihat gambar di bawah ini)

5. Setelah semua sudah selesai, maka mulailah untuk memposting sesuatu. Misalnya kisah-kisah, cerita-cerita, berita, tutorial dan lain-lain menurut anda layak di buat postingan.
6. Selesai.

Itulah Langkah Memulai Blog Baru dengan Blogspot. Semoga bermanfaat dan salam sukses. [Bos Tutorial]

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Make Money on Facebook Automatically using FBAuto Comment and Like

Maybe you would not believe, if in the online world, you can have a robot that will make money for you automatically. Robots in the online world can be shaped Software, Application, Virus Marketing, Plugins, and More. In this article I will only describe the software from Facebook Autocomment and Like.
Make money online by using the software Facebook Autocomment And Like.

As the name suggests, this software serves to provide comments and like automatically.
So, what are the benefits?
What if I told you? You can promote your products to thousands of Facebook Fanpage in just a few minutes. :)

The main display:

This is not my software, but this is a software created by a young man of Asian countries, exactly in Indonesia.

Ok .. Let's see how the setting of this software.
in this setting, users can freely choose the action of Bot, who is the target and what comments will be sent.

- Comment: This Textbox filled if we choose the action bot = Auto comment
- Signature: To provide a signature at the end of the comment.
- Mention Friend: For mention the name of a friend in the comments.
- Auto Confirm Friend: To perform an auto confirmation of friendship.
- Button Exception: To set an exception.
- Target : Target bot.
- Interval: Recurrence time it takes the bot to perform an action.

If all the settings are finished, click "Done"
all the settings you make will be saved automatically, so when you create new settings, you can still turning to the old settings.

How this could work?
See Video:

Okay friend, still a lot of software that you can use to Make Money Automatically.
Not will be enough if I explain in this article.

Hence, if you want to know other software that can automatically generate money for you? "Click Here"

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How does Facebook Make Money?

Do you want to know how Mark Zuckerberg made billions of dollar from Facebook?

in Forbes Mark listed as the richest young man in 2011, with personal income reached $17.7 billion. 

This can exceed the richness of Google. of course that income derived from social media the successful he created by using Imagination and Creativity.

In Facebook homepage, Mark claiming that Facebook will be free for ever.

But managing the facebook is not easy, all it requires capital and hard work are very large. at the time was Mark not so require substantial capital investment because Facebook users are still fairly small. And now, that use facebook even almost reached 1 billion people.

Mark requires a very large storage server, also need to manage any existing script code in Facebook. And would require many employees, so that facebook can still be used.

Ok... and now, How Facebook Make Money?

Facebook get money from someone who wants to market their products on Facebook, and put an ad on facebook is quite expensive if an advertiser does not know how to use it properly. 
See the picture below:

You can try to get to your facebook account, and see the ads that are on the right side of your screen.
ads that is what will pay for facebook, and do you know? There are many companies that put ads on Facebook.

Besides facebook, you can also earn money by utilizing advertising on facebook. but you also can be quite a loss, if you do not know how to optimize the ads on facebook.
See the picture below:

Want to know more about How Facebook Make Money?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Make Money on Facebook with Clickbank

From a variety of online business that I follow, Clickbank is an online business which I like, because Clickbank pays an average of  50-75% every product sold. So, if you sell products worth $ 100, then you will get a commission around $ 50 - $ 75. Imagine, how much money you can get, if you managed to sell 10 products in one day. 

Clickbank is very different from amazon, because Clickbank sell digital goods such as ebook and software. And the way you promote clickbank products also differ in the way you promote Amazon products.

Ok, follow these step:
1. Create account in
2. Select a category and a product that you really like
3. Get your affiliate link
4. Promote products that you select with Facebook
5. Earn income from Clickbank

But, is there a secret to getting money from clickbank?
yes! of course, although it looks very simple look of clickbank. but in which there is a secret how you can earn money quickly.

How to Make Money on Facebook Using is an online store that sells books, movies, games, dvd, cd music, computer software and other items. is the largest online store for now. Founded in 1994 at Manhattan by Jeff Bezos, a worker at DE Shaw.

Have you ever bought a product on amazon? or maybe you often spend your money to buy products on amazon. And maybe now is the time you can get hundreds of dollars from amazon.

by becoming an affiliate of Amazon, you will get a commission of about
4% - 8% of every product you sell. Whether the commission is very small?
Yes, if you sell goods worth $10. Then, what if you could sell goods worth $200 - $500, and it just from one product. You can promote many products, more products that you are promoting, the greater the income that you can get.

Do not worry about, whether you can sell a product or not? because the product at amazon is very easy to sell :) Especially if you use Facebook.

And then, How to Make Money on Facebook with Using

This will be very simple, yes! because you only need to use the Facebook Notes. Did you know? It is located under your profile picture. Excess of facebook note is the note can appear in google, and you can tag the note to your friends.

Ok, first step you need to apply to register as an affiliate amazon "Click Here"
The second you have to choose the product that you like, and get your affiliate link.
Third you must make a note of the product you choose.
Fourth, you promote the note on fan pages related to your product.
For example: you can write about Spongebob doll and put your records on fanpage spongebob.
search spongebob fan page.
Look ... a lot of your targeted prospects. ^_^

How to Make Money on Facebook with CPA

CPA (Cost Per Action) is a program on internet that will pay $0.25 - $80 for each "Registration" that you get. Your job is just get someone else to fill in email address or zip code, try products for Free or download the software for Free.

Example offer from CPA:
1. Register in program CPA.
2. Get affiliate link.
3. Promote the offers from cpa
4. Someone sign up on the offer that you submit
5. You get a commission around $0.25 - $80 for each registration.
List CPA that you can follow:
- Never BlueAds
Market Health
Rocket Profit
Hydra Networks
- Max Bounty

It easy friend, because you can offer a free product that have not been out on the market. And I'm sure everyone would want to sign up if given the offer to get a quality product, simply by filling in your email and zip code.

But, in the CPA program, you will also find many rivals. Yeah! if your competitors get the "registrant" in advance of you, then your income in the CPA will not be too large, because they have registered an email address and zip code. because of that, here is the time you use Facebook.
"Facebook it Wide, Fast, and Targeted"

Weaknesses of your competitors is because they use Google. :D
If you use google, then you must make a website website, articles, SEO must know and must compete with other sites.

If you use Facebook, you only need to promote your link. and as I told you. This is very easy, if you really know how.

How to Make Money on Facebook from Paid Surveys

If you have been looking for a fun and unique way to earn extra income, the opportunity to make cash taking surveys may be perfect for you. 

Where else can you get paid every day just for giving your honest opinion? It may sound too good to be true, but thousands of people all across the world are making decent income by just filling out short surveys.

How Much Can I Make Cash Taking Surveys?

Well, that depends on a few factors. Short surveys usually pay out around $10-$15 each, while longer, more detailed focus groups can pay as high as $150. How much you want to make really depends on how much time you’d like to put into it. Since the shorter surveys only take a few minutes to complete, many people are able to create a full-time income just by filling out surveys all day.

The opportunity to make cash taking surveys has been around for years. Why? Companies all across the country are in need of honest feedback. These opinions are valuable to them because it let’s them know how to improve their products and services.

Without these surveys and focus groups, companies would have much more difficulty determining how specifically to make improvements. These multi-national companies value these opinions so much that they are willing to pay for them.

Free Surveys site
- SurveyHead
- AW Surveys
- Global Market
- Brand Institute

But, when you join a free survey sites, of course the site has its drawbacks, and disadvantages are you will not get too many surveys, so you also will not be too quick to earn income.

However, what if you register at 50 survey sites for free. One free survey sites pay you on average $20 per month. for a full survey that you do. So.. 50 x $20 = $1000/month. (I hope I'm not wrong count) :D

And it is only the minimum income that you can get, maybe you could get more than that. You do not have to worry about the survey's what you'll get, because it is very easy. And you also do not need to spend your time, because this survey is really short.

bdw, you can also use Facebook to increase your income:
1. Because the product that you survey, can are from companies such as coca-cola, walmart, disney, etc. If you give proper survey, maybe you could get paid more for one suvey. And to find inspiration on the survey what is right for you give, you can view the company's fan page on facebook and give advice that they need?

2. You can get $1 for every person who signed up on your affiliate link.

How to Make Money on Facebook with Google Adsense

Google Adsense is an advertising program from Google that will pay you, when your site visitors, clicking on ads from google, that were placed on your site.

With AdSense for content, these ads you display on your site can be either cost-per-click (CPC) or cost-per-thousand-impression (CPM) ads. For CPC ads, you'll generate earnings when your users click on the ads. For CPM ads, you'll generate earnings every time the ad appears to a user viewing your site.
For more Information about Google Adsense, See here >> Support Google Adsense

On average you can earn $1 - $ 25, each click that you generate. Just imagine if one clicks the ads on your website valued $10 by Google. If you get 10 clicks in one day, then 10 clicks = $100. How if you get 100 clicks or 200 clicks in one day. And here I just imagine 1 click = $10. One click from your site may be worth $15 or $25.

But not that easy, you can get a click from your site. Because you have to compete with thousands of other sites that also register on Google Adsense. And one that can compete with google is just Facebook. Yes! you will be using Facebook as a tool to get a lot of money from Google Adsense.

Why Must Facebook ?
  1. Very little competition, maybe even nothing at all.
  2. You do not need to master SEO that very complicated, because it is too complicated you may not know what is SEO. :)
  3. Your site will easily get a click from user Facebook.
  4. You do not need to have that professional website, or have to buy paid domain and hosting. because you can use blogger.
  5. You do not have wait 1 or 2 months to build sites, you can earn income on the same day.
Okay! let's get started and I'm sure this will be very easy.
follow the steps below :

Step 1 : Have a Facebook account
I'm sure you could easily make it, so I will skip this step.

Step 2 : Create a site on
And this it will not as difficult as you think. Because, blogger has made it easier for all, this is as easy as you make an account on Facebook.
follow the flash tour here >>

And Watch this Video:

Step 3 : Creating an article for your site

Write something that you like, experiences, hobbies, or whatever it is. You have to write articles in English for one week, minimum of 2 articles per day, and performed regularly. If it has passed through one week, then it is time you register Google Adsense.

Step 4 : Register your site to Google Adsense
Google has prepared a complete guide for a list of adsense.
You can see here >> Register Google Adsense

If you want to learn more about adsense, visit this site >>

Final Step : Get more Traffic from Facebook

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How to Make Money with Facebook Games

Games on Facebook become one of the concerns of the users of Facebook, and probably almost everyone who uses Facebook, ever tried the game on Facebook. And the game lovers in Facebook spent nearly 1-3 hours, maybe even more than that. 

Tips and tricks here, indeed I specialize to those of you who often play games on Facebook. So if you rarely play games on facebook, maybe these tips and tricks not suitable for you.

The answer is, by selling your Facebook account. But, your Facebook account must contain the popular Facebook game. and you have a high level in the game.
For example, if you have an account with Level 40 Ninja Saga, then you can easily sell at high prices. and the higher its level, it will be more expensive price of the account.

But, why would anyone else want to buy the Facebook game account?

If you are lovers of the game in facebook, then you'll know the reason. and if you want to know the reason, you should try to play one popular game on facebook. But remember! you only have to play the games that have a selling value. like:
- Zynga Poker 
- Ninja Saga
- FarmVille
- Restaurant City
- Dragon Age Legends
- Pirates : Rule the Caribbean!
And Much More ...

Easy way to sell your Facebook game account?
ok ... I assume you already have a gaming account with a high level and intend to sell it.
and in fact this step you should do first:

1. Create 1 facebook account for 1 popular game.
2. Add or confirm friends, just from that game lovers, for example Ninja saga.
3. Using the facebook search box. there you can find a buyer very easily.
4. Frequently talk with your gaming friends, there you will get lots of information. 
Including, who are in need of an account with a high level, and that means your buyer.

Monday, January 9, 2012

5 ways the new Facebook Pages can benefit your business

Last week brought a whole new set of Facebook page changes which we covered in some depth but there is another angle that we’ve been thinking about that didn’t occur to us at first and that is business networking. 

The biggest change of all for me was the fact that you could log in as a business and take the profile of the business around Facebook rather than using your own personal profile and although this seems like a minor change I think it will have far reaching consequences. 

There is no doubt that Facebook has put a lot of thought in to how people will use the new Facebook business pages and as we always see people will start finding their own uses for their business as time goes on…

Business Networking?

The fact that you can log in as a business rather than a personal profile is a huge step forward and one that opens a whole host of new networking opportunities. Up until now you had to work within the confines of your own page but now you take you business identity all over Facebook and the web in general. You can like things, comment on other pages and engage in entirely new ways. 

This change should not be underestimated because the networking potential of commenting on other pages and actively engaging with users away from your own business page is huge. The important thing to remember here is that every time you engage somewhere it will leave a link back to your own page so very much like commenting is a good strategy for growing blog traffic the same now applies to Facebook.

Lead Generation?

You never really knew up until now who was running Facebook pages. It could have been somebody from an agency, the brand manager or just an intern. There was no simple way to contact business owners and the page was pretty much a broadcast tool unless you wanted to leave a public comment on the wall. 

With the new settings it will be far easier to get in touch with business owners or people who run the pages so this could become a great lead generation tool as many businesses now have a Facebook presence of some sort.

Improved Customer Service

Plenty of brands have been using Facebook as a customer service tool already but they’ve been doing so in a very constricted way because of the structure of the old pages. Page owners couldn’t even get notifications about new comments or engagement but that has all changed now that you can log in as your business. 

Twitter has been a far better customer service tool to date but these changes make Facebook more “real time” for page admins. Add in the fact that you can see who is in charge of the page now and Facebook just became a far better customer service tool than it was yesterday.

Products And Services

Facebook is rigid in the way that it is built and what you can do design wise but the new photo lay out is tailor made for products, services and innovative ways of displaying. Much the same way as images were hacked on personal profiles to do cool stuff the same will be happening on business pages as we speak. A great place to show off your latest campaigns or do something innovative with photoshop me thinks!

Commenting on 3rd Party Sites

The new commenting system that Facebook is rumored to be rolling out in the next couple of weeks could make things even more interesting again. Imagine taking your business identity all over the web and leaving comments that all lead back to your business page. At the moment Facebook doesn’t allow you to do this as you can see from the screen grab below but I’d be stunned if this didn’t arrive in the future. 

This could be for people who either want to promote their pages or build themselves in to the experts in their field the ability to leave comments around the web. The other angle is integrating Facebook comments in to your own site when they launch and being able to use your Facebook profile to answer everything and have a seamless experience.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to Use Facebook for Online Business

If your business is online, the bulk of your marketing efforts should also be online — particularly in the social media space. Social networks like Facebook give online business operators the opportunity to interact directly with their customers. Facebook also offers a number of tools to customize your marketing campaign for an audience that’s already comfortable online.

The following article assumes that you’ve already set up a Facebook Page for your business. Once you’ve got your page up and running, here’s how you can use Facebook to effectively promote your online business.

Obtain Your Vanity URL

You want to make your Facebook Page as easy as possible for your customers to find. One way to do that is by obtaining a vanity URL, such as “” Having a tidy URL for your Facebook Page will make it easier for people to find and share your content with their friends.

To change your Facebook URL, you need a minimum amount of Likes (currently 25). Once you’ve attained 25 or more Likes from your fans, click the “Edit Page” link from your Facebook Page to make the adjustment to your URL. Alternatively, you can go to and change the vanity URL for your own personal account, or your Facebook Page.

Promote Your Sales and Incentives

There are a number of ways you can use your Facebook Page to get the word out about your online promotions. First of all, you can post the news of your sales or incentives to your Facebook Wall. With a wall post, you can post a message, a photo, a link, or a video. By default, Facebook Pages will direct your customers to your wall when they surf to your page, but there are many applications available to customize the look and feel of your main page.

Applications such as Wildfire and Involver allow you to create Facebook Landing Pages, which are much more engaging to an audience that’s used to the online experience. Like any good website, however, it’s advisable to keep your messaging concise and clear; customers will quickly move on if your promotion is not easy to understand.

Coupon apps are also available. You can reserve a space on your page for the latest promotions. Some of these apps will allow you to set up your page so that customers can unlock coupons or discounts when they Like your page.

Target Your Audience with Facebook Ads

When you first launch your Facebook Page, it can be a bit of a slow climb to get a decent fan base. Consider advertising with Facebook Ads as a means to get more fans. Facebook Ads offer many customizations to campaigns; you can really target your audience and find your likeliest customers. Once you’ve grown your fan base, Facebook Ads become a great way to spread the news about your products and promotions.

Engage and Interact

Social networks like Facebook have become the easiest place for your customers to give you feedback, ask questions, and just have a conversation about your business. Once you’ve opened the Facebook flood gates, you have to be able to embrace both the good and the bad.

Resist the temptation to prune the commentary on your page, keeping only the best things people say about your brand. Instead, deal with all of the issues as they arise. Tackling negative feedback with customers shows that you’re listening, and that you’re transparent. Of course, keep up with the positive commentary on your Facebook Page as well. Dole out “thank-yous” and appropriate comments when people share anecdotes about your product.

Have a Content Strategy

Besides keeping up with the commentary from your fans, you’ll need to have a strategy around what to share in a forum like Facebook. One great thing about Facebook is that you can try updating your page in a number of ways to see what works best. Perhaps your fans tend to be less engaged with links than they are with the photos, or maybe they really respond to discounts and promotions. Try a variety of content strategies, and evaluate the feedback on an on-going basis.

Another thing to consider is how often you post. Maybe you can get away with multiple posts per day on Twitter, but perhaps you’ll need to be a little more conservative on Facebook. Use tools to track Facebook engagement, and adjust your content accordingly.

Do you have an online business on Facebook? What are your success stories? Please share in the comments below.

32 Ways to Use Facebook for Business

Facebook’s not just for keeping tabs on friends and filling out quizzes — it can also be used as a highly effective business tool. It’s great for marketing your products, landing gigs and connecting with your customers.

Here are 32 ways to use Facebook in your business :

Manage Your Profile

1. Fill out your profile completely to earn trust.

2. Establish a business account if you don’t already have one.

3. Stay out of trouble by reading the Facebook rules regarding business accounts.

4. Install appropriate applications to integrate feeds from your blog and other social media accounts into your Facebook profile. (Although you should be careful before integrating your Twitter feed into your Faceboook profile, as a stream of tweets can seem overwhelming to your contacts.)

5. Keep any personal parts of your profile private through Settings.

6. Create friends lists such as “Work,” “Family” and “Limited Profile” for finer-grained control over your profile privacy.

7. Post a professional or business casual photos of yourself to reinforce your brand.

8. Limit business contacts’ access to personal photos.

9. Post your newsletter subscription information and archives somewhere in your profile.

Connect and share with others

10. Obtain a Facebook vanity URL so that people can find you easily.

11. Add your Facebok URL to your email signature and any marketing collateral (business cards, etc.) so prospects can learn more about you.

12. Post business updates on your wall. Focus on business activities, such as “Working with ABC Company on web site redesign.”

13. Share useful articles and links to presentation and valuable resources that interest customers and prospects on your wall, to establish credibility.

14. Combine Facebook with other social media tools like Twitter. For example, when someone asks question on Twitter, you can respond in detail in a blog post and link to it from Facebook.

15. Before traveling, check contacts locations so you can meet with those in the city where you’re heading.

16. Research prospects before meeting or contacting them.

17. Upload your contacts from your email client to find more connections.

18. Use Find Friends for suggestions of other people you may know to expand your network even further.

19. Look for mutual contacts on your contacts’ friends lists.

20. Find experts in your field and invite them as a guest blogger on your blog or speaker at your event.

21. Market your products by posting discounts and package deals.

22. Share survey or research data to gain credibility.

23. Use Facebook Connect to add social networking features to your web site.

24. Suggest Friends to clients and colleagues — by helping them, you establish trust.

25. Buy Facebook ads to target your exact audience.

26. Read up on Facebook Beacon to see if it might be useful for you.

Use Network, Group and Fan Pages

27. Start a group or fan page for product, brand or business. Unless you or your business is already a household name, a group is usually the better choice.

28. Add basic information to the group or fan page such as links to company site, newsletter subscription information and newsletter archives.

29. Post upcoming events including webinars, conferences and other programs where you or someone from your company will be present.

30. Update your group or fan page on a regular basis with helpful information and answers to questions.

31. Join network, industry and alumni groups related to your business.

32. Use search to find groups and fan pages related to your business by industry, location and career.

How do you use Facebook for business?


Monday, August 29, 2011


             Daya dan upaya telah kita miliki karena mau usaha agar bisa bikin blog sendiri

pengalamanku tentang blog ternyata menyenangkan. Disamping menyenangkan ternyata jg bisa kita berfikir dengan akal kreasi ingin bisa dan bisa  sebuah blog itu juga bisa membatu kita saat kita membutuhkan artikel yang kita cari di dalam dunia maya.dimana disitu telah ditulis dalam blog apa yang kita cari bila orng menulis artikel tersebut....,
   didalam blog ternyata juga bisa menuntun kita untuk berfikir dengan jenius..